Friday, December 27, 2013

New Christmas Guitar Goodies!

Last Christmas Santa brought me a brand new acoustic-electric Takamine, so I guess it's hard to top that gift this year.  I did receive one guitar-related item and that was the Justin Guitar Beginner Songbook.

I have to admit that I don't know many of the songs in the book -- as in I've never heard them before.   For example, these songs:

  • Fast Car (Tracy Chapman)
  • Fields Of Gold (Sting)
  • Vincent (Don McLean)
  • Wonderwall (Oasis)
And many others.

So why did I want this songbook?  Because Justin breaks down the songs in an easy-to-understand way and he gives at least one strumming pattern option for each song.  I have to admit I get in a strumming pattern rut and often play the same one over and over.  Having played several songs from the book I've already learned new patterns.  Some aresimple and others a bit more complicated. 

Here's an example of the song breakdown:

This will open me up to a new world of music, and get me out of the rut of playing mostly Bon Jovi songs.  (Not that it's an unpleasant rut for me personally, but possibly for others in my household, lol.)

Here's a video introduction to the songbook.  I think it's great for beginner and intermediate players!

Oh, by the way, the streak of playing daily is still unbroken which I guess is the point of this whole post!

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