Wednesday, January 22, 2014

More Practice and More Plans

I have meant to update this blog for days (make that weeks!) but life is busy -- too busy.  Still, I am focused on my original goal:  to play the guitar every single day.  And I have.

Thank goodness I didn't put the stipulation on myself to write every day, because that would have been an epic failure.  I don't like to fail.

I also am competitive.  I have seen some attempts at something similar to my 365 Guitar Project (such as playing guitar every day for a year) and the blog fizzled after three months.  Not me.  I will complete this project and play 365 days.  I just won't write about it :)

As a quick update, I am progressing, although slowly.  My goal was to go through the Justin Guitar beginner course a second time, really focusing on the skills, so I have a good foundation for taking the intermediate course.  Over the holidays I had less time to practice and spent much of my guitar time playing songs I enjoy.  
In making goals in other areas of my life I realize I need a bit more structure than just "go through the course again."  So I typed up a chart with all the various lessons, the day I watch the video for the second time, and the day I feel I have mastered the skill.  I have plan to tackle lessons on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday.  The other days can be a little bit of practice and then just play for fun.

What have I improved on since my last writing?  B7.  I can easily hit it, where before it took a little finagling to get my fingers into position.  In fact all my 7th chords are better.  I'm doing a different fingering for A7 than I did in the past and it flows much more smoothly.

I am still struggling with the damn F barre chord.  I practice it most every day but I cannot, for the life of me, get the B string to ring out.  It is always dead.  That's my big issue.  Well, getting my fingers into position quickly is probably a bigger issue.  So when I play songs I play the mini F.  Talk about frustrating.

And honestly, my strumming still feels "off."  I am now holding the pick correctly, but my upstrums just are not natural.  I have tried changing the position of the pick as it hits glides gently over the strings, and sometimes I think yay! I've got it.  And then the pick shifts in my hand and I feel clumsy once again.  

I just found out that the dad of one of my son's friends teaches guitar.  While I am really resistant to taking lessons (although I'm no t sure why) I may see if I could meet with him on maybe a monthly basis to give me tips and evaluate my progress.  He would be able to give me honest and objective feedback.  As I type this I think why don't I just take lessons?  And here come the excuses:  I don't have time.  I really value and protect my free time.  A lesson would involve a commute.... OMG.  Just typing this out I see how ridiculous that sounds.  Seriously?  I will give real thought to contacting him.  I might get past my playing hurdles a lot faster with a real teacher.

Until next update... 

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